Lauren Lee: Tech Is All About People | VP at JPMorgan Asset Management and NCAA Field Hockey

Most of us have been in a position where we were not front and centre.

Whether it was on a sports team where you were a backup because you just started learning the game, or it was at your first job after graduation where you were the one doing all the research work, or you were the one that was working behind the scenes to keep the lights on and things moving smoothly.

Great leaders have all held roles that they were not very fond of and did not get the spotlight. But the difference between good and great leaders is that great leaders do any role that they’re given, with pride. They do the best they can with what they have in any situation.

If you’re looking for some motivation on getting through a tough stretch and knocking whatever task you’re given out of the park, then this episode is for you.

Lauren Lee

“You need to be responsible for the energy you bring into the room.” – Lauren Lee

Lauren Lee is a VP at JPMorgan Asset Management and a former NCAA Field Hockey Player.

A tech innovation, transformations, and operations leader, Lauren is motivated by data-driven decisions that enable businesses to run more efficiently, reliably, and sustainably. Lauren focused on strategy and transformation, including regional and global target operating models, large-scale technology innovation, and industry change.

Prior to JP Morgan Asset Management, Lauren was a VP at Goldman Sachs.

Some of the things we discuss in this episode:

  • Why Lauren chose field hockey as her favourite sport coming out of high school
  • How she made the decision to choose Hofstra University when deciding on her NCAA playing career
  • Why Lauren believes digital transformations are all about people
  • One trick we can all use when we feel like not giving our best in a certain role
  • How Lauren hires her team in a large organization
  • And one thing every executive can do to come out of this pandemic stronger


To receive more insight on how you can use sports principles in business check out more blogs here.

Also, watch his Sports to Business podcast series to understand how you can apply sports principles to business. In this series, Tanvir sits down with former athletes from CFL/NFL football players to Olympians, and share their business transformation stories with you.