(Forbes) How To Become A Digital Leader, Regardless Of Your Background?


Technology is changing at an exponential rate. Industries are getting disrupted, and more and more businesses are undergoing their own digital transformations to stay relevant in the new digital age.

As Brian Solis says, “Any business, large and small is vulnerable to digital Darwinism — the evolution of consumer behavior when society and technology evolve faster than the ability to adapt.” And the most important part of any business is the people.

So, as businesses try to keep up, it’s critical for current and future leaders to become digital-first leaders in order to stay relevant in the age of disruption.

Let’s look at what it means to be a digital-first leader — and how you can advance your career in the age of disruption, regardless of your experience or skill set.

What does it mean to be a digital-first leader?

For the context of this article, a digital-first leader is someone who is able to think about their role, business and career through a technology lens. Similar to how an athlete thinks of nutrition and training as an underlying foundation to their performance, digital leaders keep technology front and center, regardless of their role, industry or education.

How do you become a digital-first leader?

A big misconception that exists today, especially among young leaders and nontech professionals, is that you need to learn all the nitty-gritty technical skills in order to become a digital-first leader. This is not the case whatsoever. Although it helps to have a technical understanding or background, what is actually more important is to drive business value and to recognize key trends to capitalize on future opportunities.

Here is an in-depth look at how you can become a digital leader. We’ll start by looking at this from a micro — or personal — standpoint:

1. Stay ahead of the industry. Analyze the macro environment and technology trends of your current industry or the industry you are interested in. Here, you are looking to understand how business models are changing with the emergence of new technology, what businesses are doing to stay relevant, and what kinds of threats and opportunities exist. If you are a financial analyst in an apparel company and you conclude that businesses are all moving toward additional distribution channels, including direct-to-consumer via Instagram shopping, then recognizing this gives you the impetus to either learn new skills or make strategic contributions in your role as it aligns with direct-to-consumer models.

2. Align strengths to opportunities. Align industry trends to your strengths in order to create opportunities in a digital world. One strategy is to ask your colleagues and previous managers to describe what they believe to be your top three strengths. If, for example, you are a former athlete, your analysis may show that you have a great work ethic and are experienced in team leadership. From an opportunity standpoint, you may find that digital transformation is increasing and there is a heightened need for individuals who can handle high-pressure situations and lead large teams, both of which are required for the role of a digital transformation lead. This may be your cue to capitalize on the opportunity.

3. Learn enough to be dangerous. In my personal experience and having seen others handle complex initiatives, a large majority of the projects can be completed successfully as long as the individual is open to learning, hard-working and hungry to succeed. There may be areas that require you to gain new knowledge, but 99% of this can be learned online. For example, if your project requires you to send out personalized email campaigns with custom designs — and that requires you to know HTML coding — there are hundreds of tutorials online that will teach you how to do it. You just need to be willing to learn.

Alternatively, you can also assume a macro or business viewpoint:

1. Leverage technology to drive business value. Leaders need to rethink their business models with digital at the core. One way to do this is by understanding how your company makes money today — and how technology can be used to either increase revenue or find new opportunities. This will force you to think in terms of technology as an enabler of your business, which will, in turn, allow you to remain ahead of the curve and lead the pack. For example, if you work for a retail company, then this could mean endless opportunities like virtual dressing rooms, personalized online experiences, online loyalty programs and more.

2. Be a digital change agent. In my experience, seeking new opportunities, saying yes to challenges and getting outside your comfort zone are all ways to drive maximum value in your business. Combining that with any new digital programs, projects or initiatives is a great way to become a leader and get comfortable with the process. It allows individuals to drive business results and become catalysts for change, and it forces you to stay abreast of any new developments as they relate to technologies at the company and industry level.

3. Focus on execution in a digital environment. What sets great leaders apart is their ability to execute their strategies. Learn about all the tools in your repertoire and understand all the tech available at your organization to better execute your projects or tasks — then set the right methodologies and cadence to drive results. Most user-facing technologies are actually quite easy to understand and use, but most people shy away from spending time understanding how something works because it’s unknown territory. Knowing how your mobile app is set up in the back end, for example, will allow you to execute your in-app digital marketing campaigns with higher success.

In summary, in order to stay relevant and advance in the age of disruption, we need to embrace digital leadership, regardless of our roles, functions, experiences, or backgrounds. Having a personal and business-oriented framework is a great way for all leaders to stay relevant in the age of disruption.