D’Arcy McConvey – Willing Yourself to Make it Before You Make it | Sports to Business

In today’s world, most of us have access to the same training and resources. Whether you’re an executive of an F1000 company, an entrepreneur, or an aspiring business leader moving up the ladder, the playing field has been leveled.

Similar to athletes who all lift weights and practice with access to the same training and nutrition principles, the internet has made it easy for leaders to gather knowledge and grow faster than before.

If that’s true, then why do some business leaders or athletes accel over others? You can argue that talent is a big factor in those who make it. But, if you’re wondering what great leaders and athletes do to achieve big goals regardless of talent, then this episode is for you.

D’arcy McConvey

Try a number of different things before you settle on the path that’s going to create trajectory”

D'Arcy McConvey

D’Arcy McConvey is a Director at Greybrook Realty Partners and former NCAA Hockey Academic all-American and Pro player. He also hosts the podcast – Venture and Gains.

He played hockey for Bowling Green State University where he received Academic All American Honours, and then went on to play pro hockey in ECHL and in Europe.

He then did his MBA from the London School of Business and a few years later began his career at Greybrook Realty Partners.

“As a communicator and for something a little more concrete, I have been tagged as an “Adaptor” – A person who is focused on goals and is interested in opportunities to expand their world” -D’Arcy McConvey

In This Episode We Discuss

  • Convincing yourself that you’re going to make it before you make it
  • Willing yourself. – D’Arcy’s hockey career growing up and love of skating
  • Drive behind Academic All American honours in NCAA
  • How a simple scheduling tactic helped D’Arcy juggle multiple priorities
  • How he made the transition from hockey to MBA, and then Greybrook & private equity
  • Why the least risky, comfortable path can oftentimes be the riskiest track

Listen Here

To receive more insight on how you can use sports principles in business check out more blogs here.

Also, watch his Sports to Business podcast series to understand how you can apply sports principles to business. In this series, Tanvir sits down with former athletes from CFL/NFL football players to Olympians, and share their business transformation stories with you