David Wight: Winning in Unchartered Territory With No Experience

I have been put in roles that were foreign to me over the course of my career, and at first it seems daunting. How can one win in a role when you have no prior experience and lack key skills?

The secret is that most successful people who climb the ladder really fast usually seek out roles that stretch them and have bold targets. They allow you to adapt and learn at a lever much greater than if you’re comfortable in a role that you know well.

Personally, when I was put in a stretch situation, I’ve been guilty of making excuses such as “I’m not ready yet, or “its too hard”, but time and time again when someone pushed me into a situation, I usually came out the other side with some battle scars and a ton more experience, confidence, and results.

If you ever wonder how you can grow in a role that you’re not ready for, and how to actually crush it, then this episode is for you.

“I firmly believe optimism is a strategy.” – David Wight

DeDavid Wight is a seasoned, highly successful and accomplished ops and tech leader, with extensive experience spanning across multiple retail industries, and known for key turnarounds and digital transformations. He worked his way up as a management trainee at Enterprise rent a car to becoming a district manager in record time. He was most recently the Head of Ops, taking Hagen Dazs franchisee locations from 1 to 11 in a year with over $5M in rev in year 1.Spent 6 years at restaurant Brands International in multiple ops and tech roles.

He is a six sigma green belt, highly skilled in process improvement and PM, and is a master in using data to solve complex problems Known as a servant leader, Dave inspires individuals to maximize their personal performance while making sure the team stays on the broader mission. A big believer in optimism and embracing tough challenges with energy and enthusiasm.

Some Things We Discuss

  • Why having resilience early in your career sets you up for success down the road
  • How to leverage your experience in a totally different industry or role to succeed in a role with millions of dollars of accountability
  • And in order to succeed – how it’s about changing tour perspective vs. doing things that don’t work.
  • And much more…

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