Femi Ayanbadejo: Build Your Toolbox

Change and uncertainty are the words being used to describe the post-pandemic future. A technique great athletes and sports teams use to handle uncertainty is to over-prepare for possible future scenarios. They practice and build the right skill sets ahead of time to respond to likely future scenarios. The same concept stands true in the business world. To battle future uncertainty, it starts by anticipating and building the right skills sets today – before you need them. This makes it easier to navigate uncertainty and change because you can lean on the toolbox that you built ahead of time.

If you’re curious to see this in action and learn how you can start to build your toolbox today, then this episode is for you.

Femi Ayanbadejo

“I’m not even close to being done. I’ll never be done!” – Femi Ayanbadejo

Femi is a former NFL player, founder of Health Reel, NASA Technology partner, a human performance expert, and a certified nutritionist. After graduating from San Diego State University with a BA in Psychology, Femi played 11 amazing years in the NFL, was a member of the Ravens 2000 Super Bowl Championship Team, and was voted NFLPA representative by teammates in Arizona from 2005-2007.

From 2010 to 2014, before founding HealthReel and right out of retirement, Femi co-founded a fitness facility as a personal trainer, nutrition specialist, and speed/agility coach. Femi then entered the MBA program at Johns Hopkins with an emphasis in Digital Health. This is where the idea for HealthReel started. He graduated from Hopkins in 2016 and formed HealthReel in late 2017. HealthReel is a digital Self-Health assessment and education platform.

HealthReel views customers holistically and understands the interconnected relationship between mental, emotional, and physical health outcomes. The proprietary blend of algorithms generates personalized health information in minutes via any smart device from any location the customer desires. The HealthReel report generates over 20 data points covering mental health, physical fitness, healthy weight recommendations, metabolic performance, and nutritional guidance. Last but not least HealthReel supplements reporting with video content. This “user journey” experience is designed to deploy one new video a week covering HealthReel’s four levers of Self-Health as well as addressing misinformation about nutrition, exercise, fad diets, and many other hot button topics.

Some of the things we discuss in this episode:

  • Femi’s journey from the NFL to entrepreneurship, and becoming the first NFL player NASA Tech Partner
  • Why Femi believes you need to always be building your toolbox
  • The story behind founding HealthReel during his MBA
  • How Femi deals with naysayers
  • How Femi’s early childhood growing up influenced his NFL and business career


To receive more insight on how you can use sports principles in business check out more blogs here.

Also, watch his Sports to Business podcast series to understand how you can apply sports principles to business. In this series, Tanvir sits down with former athletes from CFL/NFL football players to Olympians, and share their business transformation stories with you.