Jessica Kuepfer: Chaos Theory from Sports to Business | Director of Comm. and Endurance Athlete

We’ve all heard about celebrating big wins. We see it all the time in sports, in movies, or we ourselves remember celebrating certain accomplishments and milestones.

But what about celebrating the failures and efforts vs. the results? When things get tough, and projects seem to drag on, should we as leaders celebrate the milestones and the effort despite whatever outcome is waiting for us on the other side?

And if so, how can we celebrate when we have a lack of insight or data to know whether or not what we’re doing is yielding us the results we’re looking for?

If you’re looking to boost that team morale, find a way to get through the last stretch, and have some fun while doing it, then this episode is for you.

Jessica Kuepfer

It’s not about just celebrating wins, it’s also celebrating the people who work for you. If people feel appreciated, and they’re personally winning, they will win for you!

Jessica Kuepfer

Jessica Kuepfer is the Director of Communications at Home Hardware and an endurance athlete. She was named top 40 under 40 in public relations and 2018 PR professional of the year. She started her career as a PR coordinator shortly after university, and worked her way up to Director at the prominent national retailer, while also fulfilling the duties of being a New Balance Athlete and Brand Ambassador.

Jessica went to the University of Waterloo, where she was also part of the Varsity Cross Country Team.

Some of the things we discuss in this episode:

  • How Jessica got started in running, and how she found success despite starting a lot later than most
  • Why and how the chaos theory is responsible for her current career
  • How staying fit has helped her perform well in corporate
  • How she manages her team by leveraging the same principles from adventure racing
  • Why we need to reimagine the new way of working, whether remote, at the office or hybrid


To receive more insight on how you can use sports principles in business check out more blogs here.

Also, watch his Sports to Business podcast series to understand how you can apply sports principles to business. In this series, Tanvir sits down with former athletes from CFL/NFL football players to Olympians, and share their business transformation stories with you.