Many times we get asked to do things that we didn’t sign up for.
Filling out a bunch of spreadsheets, dealing with support issues, playing special teams, or just rolling up your sleeves and cleaning things up. What’s fascinating is that through my conversations with all-star athlete and C-level executives, I realized that they did things that they did not sign up for. Not only did they do those roles, but they did them with pride.
When I look back on my football and business career, there were many times when I was asked to play a role or do a task that I did not sign up for, but it was through those reps and work where I learned new skills and even discovered and amplified my strengths. Net – if you’re being asked to do things that are outside your job description, or you didn’t go to school for, and are looking for some motivation and proof of why you need to dive in with full force, then this episode is for you.
“You can’t teach people work ethic. I want somebody who can dig in, roll up their sleeves and get things done”. – Kelly MacPherson